Around the world

20/05/15 Around the world , Turkey # , , ,

A day in Princes’ Island, Heybeliada

A day in Princes’ Island, Heybeliada

What to do if you want to escape from Istanbul?

You head to Princes’ Islands, what most of the locals do during the weekends. Continue reading

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14/05/15 Around the world , Turkey # , , , , , , , , , , ,

A walk on the moon in Cappadocia

A walk on the moon in Cappadocia

The story starts millions of years ago when two ferocious volcanoes erupted and left behind fragile volcanic rocks which in time, got eroded due to harsh weather. The result was and still is breathtaking. From there on, men have build their cave houses, churches, monasteries and underground cities (some of which are still undiscovered).

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05/05/15 Around the world , Turkey # , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Istanbul, a millennial fusion of cultures and ethnicities

Istanbul, a millennial fusion of cultures and ethnicities

April. We knew April was a good choice, because I (Diana) love flowers and fancied from the very beginning the idea of tullips spreading their colors and charm all over the city.

Half-awake. The tram takes us to Sultanahmet. Yellow. Hearts start beating faster. Blue. My hands start tapping. Red. I need my camera. On. Tullips everywhere, just like we dreamed about it.

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Sibiu deserves its place in the top 5 most beautiful cities to visit in Romania.

Known for its German heritage, Sibiu is also named Hermannstadt and was chosen European Cultural Capital in 2007. A city in the heart of Transylvania (raise your hand if Dracula just sprung to your mind), surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains, with breathtaking landscapes, amazing mountain resorts, natural richness, all of which will turn your staying in Romania into a want-to-go-back memory.  Continue reading

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With the strong desire to eat tapas and explore a bit of the flamenco cityland, we left Lisboa in the evening and arrived in Sevilla past midnight just to confirm that the nightlife here is really buzzy, mainly due to the international students eager to integrate in the Andalusian culture. We suddenly found ourselves on the narrow streets filled with girls and boys, cervejas and tapas. We were too tired after the road so eventually decided to discover more of the city during daylight. Continue reading

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25/10/13 Around the world , Paris # , , ,

Paris, A Moveable Feast – In Two Days

Paris, A Moveable Feast – In Two Days

One year ago we were part of the most lightful, musical, bohemian, tasteful feast on earth, P A R I S. Continue reading

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