Around the world

17/09/13 Around the world , Romania # , , , , , , ,

Romania Is Not Just Dracula’s Land

I visited Transylvania and I didn’t get bitten.

This last summer I visited Transylvania, Romania. And fully embraced the culture, gastronomy and way of life. Within the experience I got to meet simple and nice people in their habitat, traditions and specifics customs. Transylvania is situated on the west and central part of Romania and for many people the obscure land of Dracula…yet, not only. The meaning of the word Transylvania is “beyond / far side of the forest” and for the majority of people is a distant and mythical place. Continue reading

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13/08/13 Around the world

The Best Theme Song when Travelling The World

Craving for travelling re-emerges when music hits you. As if you can keep a feeling silent. Jimy Hendrix said: “Music doesn’t lie.”

It happened to us when we first listened to Birdie by Abel Korzeniowski. The surprise we had when we found the video! Someone else made the same association – with travelling the world – and it felt somehow comforting. The images and moments captured in this video will turn you even more restless – to climb a mountain, to sail away, to see what the mind can only imagine: “I’m going to pack right now! And leave. With the first plane, with the first opportunity.”

If you have other song recommendation, please drop us a link 🙂

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03/03/13 Around the world , Denmark # , , , ,

What We Learned About The Coffee Culture In Denmark (Scandinavia)

What We Learned About The Coffee Culture In Denmark (Scandinavia)

Writing about the incredible effect some coffee shops have on ourselves and our conversations is not a cutting-edge topic. We’re here to remind you that travelling can happen in our minds, while enjoying a coffee in that special café across the street. The speed of thought can take us far far away till the pyramids of Egypt or the Himalayan mountains. Continue reading

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