March 25, 2025 at 8:07 pm

Hopping on a Lisbon tram during pandemics

Hopping on a Lisbon tram during pandemics

2019. 8.30 a.m.. Middle of the week. Long line of tourists waiting to experience a tram ride.

2020. 8:30 a.m.. Middle of the week. Here we are in the bus stop, the only tourists waiting to hop on the no.12 tram. In fact, on any tram.

The driver tells us to put on the masks. Then, the tram starts its engine and off we go. Luca is excited pointing at the cranes on top of the buildings and the cats at the window. We couldn’t be less excited either, it’s like we’re doing this for the first time. The seats, the furniture, they all look so enchanting in this morning light. Edgar tells me to lift the upper part of one of the front seats. Sand?! Who would have thought? It serves to help the tram brake on the slopes.

We are the only passengers during the half way of the ride. At the next stop, two Italians jump on. This kind of exclusivity would only be achieved perhaps off-season, in a winter morning.

After 10 minutes, we hop off next to the São Jorge castle. Santa Luzia viewpoint is all so quiet. Nobody is bustling around, just some pigeons and seagulls.

We want to take a coffee, but all cafés are closed. And it’s already 9.a.m.

Up the hill, we make a small visit to the castle. It has never been less invaded.

10 a.m. Luca is tired so we walk back down the hill. The souvenir shops are slowly opening their doors. And truly, it’s already 10 a.m.

We loved the experience. It was a nice break, now please let’s go back to 2019. To the future.

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