March 26, 2025 at 9:44 am

To spread the word: Botequim Da Mouraria, The Ultimate Culinary Experience

To spread the word: Botequim Da Mouraria, The Ultimate Culinary Experience

If Epicurus was among us today, he would probably frequent Botequim Da Mouraria, a little restaurant in the heart of Alentejo, Evora.

We believe that any Portuguese and foreigner should have in his list Mr. Domingos’ gourmet oasis.

Wonder why we enjoyed this place so much as to write about it?

Everywhere you go in Portugal, you eat well and you are well-served. But this restaurant distinguishes itself in many aspects from the rest. So let us tell you what are its specificities.

– It is a 10-15 square meter house, covered with refined bottles of wine, shelves filled in with fresh vegetables and fruits, some books staring through the window, ancient Portuguese instruments…and a presunto smiling temptingly at the clients.

– Which is why, there are only 9 seats available, all of them fronting the bar. It is sort of fast-food, but with a totally different meaning, that is, at a slow-pace, with gourmet food and at least one hour of meal savouring. The service is fast and nothing pressures you to finish your meal, except for a slight guilt when seeing the long queue of people waiting outside.

– Since it’s a tiny cosy place, with the philosophy of one-utmost-experience-at-a-time, there are only two people leading the restaurant: the owner, Mr. Domingos, who is also in charge of serving the clients, and his wife – the chef, a kind lady who will make sure to fulfill all your culinary dreams.


– All the entrées are prepared with mastery, in front of your eyes. Mr. Domingos will be carrying a conversation with each one of the guests. He will introduce you the fresh fish, will tell you about the variety of Alentejo wines and mesmerize you while taking care of everyone’s orders. Everyone will be happy. Guaranteed.

 The lady chef will greet you at the arrival and in the end. And if you’re a foreigner, she will want to know where you’re from, just to make sure your flag is among their collection of nationalities that stepped in the restaurant.

Considering all these mentions above, no wonder it is ranked number 1 on Trip Advisor.

Now, about the food, we will let the pictures below speak for themselves.

All we can say is that either you’re a foodie or not, Botequim Da Mouraria will be a falling-in-love moment: with the Portuguese food and with the Portuguese people who will make sure that what you’re living right there, right then it’s the ultimate epicurean experience.

Go to Botequim Da Mouraria!

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